Flora Batava, edition of 2023

In Juni 2023, a facsimile of the Flora Batava was published. In addition to all 2240 original plates, this reissue in one volume also contains 100 new stories from plant connoisseurs and admirers. Several WUR employees have contributed to this publication. The wide variety of themes and insights illustrates the continuing importance of a publication such as the Flora Batava, a publication that tells something about biodiversity, biogeography, but also about species, about art history, the use of plants then and now…

In short, it forms the basis for a colourful group of stories that deal with various subjects, but all have one factor in common: the love of plants.

This part of the online exhibition highlights the contribution of several WUR employees to the Flora Batava. We show the plants they wrote their story about and also included some Special Collections material that they used for their contributions.

The following employees from WUR (in alphabetical order) contributed to the reissue of the Flora Batava

Tinde van Andel, Professor Biosystematics wrote about Cochlearia officinalis (common scurvygrass)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Vergeten groente van de brakke grond’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Tinde van Andel about Cochlearia officinalis (common scurvygrass)

Cochlearia officinalis (common scurvygrass)

Anneke Groen, curator at the WUR Library-Special Collections wrote about Lamium album (white dead-nettle) and Beta vulgaris subsp. Maritima (sea beet)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Was getekend… Anton Weiss’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Anneke Groen about Lamium album (white dead-nettle).

Lamium album (white dead-nettle)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Onontbeerlijk voor toekomstige inzichten’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Anneke Groen about Beta vulgaris subsp. Maritima (sea beet)

Beta vulgaris subsp. Maritima (sea beet)

Liesbeth Missel, former curator of Special Collections wrote about the Fritillaria meleagris (fritillaria) and Vinca minor (common periwinkle)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Dobbelbloembekers en de Goudse tulpenslacht’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Liesbeth Missel about Fritillaria meleagris (fritillaria)

Fritillaria meleagris (fritillaria)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Palmen voor kleine maagden’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Liesbeth Missel about Vinca minor (common periwinkle)

Vinca minor (common periwinkle)

Liesje Mommer, Professor Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation wrote about the Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Ik zie, ik zie… wat jij niet ziet’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Liesje Mommer about Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy)

Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy)

José van Paassen, researcher in Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation wrote about Senecio jacobaea (common ragwort), Hylocomium splendens (mountain fern moss) and Carex pilulifera (pill sedge)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Een kwestie van smaak’ (in Dutch). Contribution of José van Paassen about Senecio jacobaea (common ragwort)

Senecio jacobaea (common ragwort)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘De echte dr. mos’ (in Dutch). Contribution of José van Paassen about Hylocomium splendens (mountain fern moss)

Hylocomium splendens (mountain fern moss)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘De zwakheid der halmen’ (in Dutch). Contribution of José van Paassen about Carex pilulifera (pill sedge)

Carex pilulifera (pill sedge)

Joop Schaminee, Professor Vegetation Ecology, wrote about Lilium bulbiferum subsp. Croceum (orange lily) and Agrostemma githago (common corn-cockle)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Aan de voet van de hemelpoort’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Joop Schaminee about Lilium bulbiferum subsp. Croceum (orange lily)

Lilium bulbiferum subsp. Croceum (orange lily)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Akkervlam van weleer’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Joop Schaminee about Agrostemma githago (common corn-cockle)

Agrostemma githago (common corn-cockle)

Anastasia Stefanaki, researcher at the Department of Plant Sciences, Group Biosystematics wrote about Tulipa sylvestris (wild tulip)

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Een mediterrane stinzenkoningin’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Anastasia Stefanaki about Tulipa sylvestris (wild tulip)

Tulipa sylvestris (wild tulip)

Nils van Rooijen, researcher Vegetation, Forest and Landscape Ecology, wrote about Teucrium montanum (mountain germander).

Click the thumbnail to read ‘Op de rand van de afgrond’ (in Dutch). Contribution of Nils van Rooijen about Teucrium montanum (mountain germander)

Teucrium montanum (mountain germander)