
Paulien van Vredendaal

Late 1950s | Start ‘molecular-biological revolution’ in virology

Thung did attract several young researchers who went on to make groundbreaking discoveries. These included his successor Jan van der Want, but also Jeanne Dijkstra, who carried out research on the Rotterdam-B virus, a tobacco virus, among other things. Another young researcher attracted by Thung was Ab van Kammen, who studied the molecular workings of […]

Late 1950s | Start ‘molecular-biological revolution’ in virology Read More »

1956-1957 | Professor of virology Agricultural College Wageningen

It was clear that virology research was becoming increasingly important within IPO, among other things due to the growing understanding in international science of how viruses worked and their impact on plant, animal, and human health. In 1956, it was therefore decided to establish a separate virology laboratory and convert Thung’s chair by special appointment

1956-1957 | Professor of virology Agricultural College Wageningen Read More »

1949 | Institute for Phytopathological Research, Wageningen

In 1949, Thung was approached by the Ministry of Agriculture in The Hague, asking him whether he was interested in the position of Head of the Virology Department of the newly established Instituut voor Plantenziektenkundig Onderzoek (Institute for Phytopathological Research, IPO) in Wageningen. In addition to head of the IPO Virology Department, Thung was also

1949 | Institute for Phytopathological Research, Wageningen Read More »

1948-1949 | Thungs standard reference work on virology

In 1948 Thung gave a number of guest lectures on Tropical Plant Diseases at the Agricultural College in Wageningen, at the request of Professor Quanjer. These lectures formed the basis for his book, Grondbeginselen in de plantenvirologie (Fundamentals in Plant Virology), which would eventually be published in 1949. For years, Thung’s book was considered the

1948-1949 | Thungs standard reference work on virology Read More »

1939-1948 | Head Mycological Division, Institute For Plant Diseases and Pests, Buitenzorg

In October 1939, Thung was appointed head of the Mycological Division of the Institute for Plant Diseases and Pests at Buitenzorg. A position in which, according to his teacher and friend Quanjer, he could more effectively use his knowledge to benefit agriculture in the Dutch East Indies and the interests of science in general. Not

1939-1948 | Head Mycological Division, Institute For Plant Diseases and Pests, Buitenzorg Read More »