‘Chef’s Special’ is an exhibition with highlights from the specialised and beautiful collection of Wageningen University & Research – Library. Special Collections of WUR Library offers treasures that coincide with a whole range of different tastes. We specialise in rare and old books and images that have a relationship with the research and education of Wageningen University & Research. In this exhibition we’ll serve you ornithology, landscape architecture, farm animals, engineering and botanical art. And there is even an apple cookie recipe from 1752!
WUR Library appointed a new curator for Special Collections, Anneke Groen, in the spring of 2021. Anneke’s special interests are natural history, science and art, particularly from the nineteenth century. She was previously a collection specialist at ARTIS Royal Zoo, where she was responsible for the zoo’s heritage collection and she was also involved in exhibition development.
The Chef’s Special exhibition involved the collaboration of the entire Special Collections team. You’re also most welcome in the Special Collections’ Reading Room of the Forum Library for the ‘real life exhibition’. The exhibition begins on 12 April and runs through 30 September 2022.
The photos were taken by Guy Ackermans, who is a photographer for Wageningen University & Research and several other organisations. For more information, please visit his website.